soil renovator

How to achieve best results from your Rotadairon.

“I’m not getting the results I see in the pictures. What’s up?”

A machine is only as good as its operator. And if you’ve browsed youtube you may have noticed a few operator errors in relation this machine. Among such errors include moving too fast which usually results in the power unit dragging the machine which inhibits it from processing the soil in the manner it was designed to do or not setting the machine at an appropriate depth. You’ll probably see clumps of grass and other unburied debris in such cases and nothing like what you see in the marketing materials.

Also worth mentioning are the additional attachments like a power rake and a few extra crew members which are unnecessary in many cases to a professional Rotadairon soil cultivator operator. Did they remove the roller and till the site? Great. That’s one of the functions of the machine (see this video for proper tilling technique). But they might have left the screening tines down which could damage them and impede the tilling results. Also worthy of a face palm is when the roller doesn’t even roll. Which is usually caused by debris caught in the roller but could also be a result of inaccurate settings and results in the roller dragging as opposed to rolling.

Had they been properly educated on the fundamentals, these problems would not exist and the quality of production would not suffer. Since we’re and responsible for the education of the machine, we’ll take the blame for that one. But all of these taken together is what prompted us to educate the user on how to achieve best results. This video was put together to do just that. Notice how the operator adjusts the machine, drives forward for a bit, adjusts it again, drives, adjusts, etc several times to find the depth he wants. This is a landscape professional with over 40 years under his belt and if he deems it necessary to take such measures, it wouldn’t be beyond any professional to do the same.

If you’re having any other issues, take a look at our FAQ page or feel free to contact us and we’ll walk you through it so you can get the best performance out of your Rotadairon.